All Pictures and Captions courtesy of Doug "Space Ace" Dewar
Janitor Party

George and Space Ace

Dan Martin is going wild


Grover in native habitat:
the green "shagless" couch

Paul "Ali Brown" Gould
flauting the physique of a 
Neill House Social Chairman


Arron "Giz" Drysdale
hard at work studying
for finals

Nick does have great
dental hygiene


Rallying the troops:
Nam Night '92

Third Floor's Neill Week
winning beer stash - 120 cases.  Space Ace for scale.

House Executive meeting with Kelly VanBuskirk (House Don) presiding. 
Jake and Dan-Boy giving chest massage.


Dan Martin's custom
"I like Cone" Civic.
Typically seen outside Maconnell Hall or DanceTrax

Cocky Frosh
getting it

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